Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone

8 oz. caramel malt, 30 Lovibond
6 oz. DeWolf-Cosyns cara-pils malt
6 lbs. light malt syrup
1.5 oz. Perle hops (8.2% alpha acid) for 60 min.
2.5 oz. Cascade hops (5.4% alpha acid): 1 oz. for 15 min., 1 oz. for 5 min., 0.5 oz. pellets (dry hopping).

Yeast: Wyeast 1056 (American ale)

11/4 cup dry malt extract

Add grains to 1.5 gal. water. Bring slowly to 170 F. Remove grains and bring to a boil. Total boil is 60 min. Boil 10 min. and add Perle hops. Boil 45 min. more, adding water as needed to maintain liquid level. Make first Cascade addition. Boil 5 min. more. Turn off heat. Wait 10 min. Add 1 oz. Cascade. Wait 3 to 5 min. Remove hops and transfer to fermenter.
Top up to 5 gal. Pitch yeast at 70 F.
Ferment three days and rack to secondary. Dry hop with 0.5 oz. Cascade pellets. Ferment two weeks at 65 F. Prime and bottle.


Brett Begani said...

is that supposed to say 11/4 cup of DME?
or is it supposed to say 1-1/4 cup?

Chris said...

I think that should be 1/4 cup dry malt extract....