Thursday, November 29, 2007

Santa Monica Steam Ale

This recipe is for a "California Common" ale which is an ale fermented with lager yeast at lower ale temps.

Santa Monica Steam Ale

Boil Volume: 6 gallons
Final Volume 5 gallons

1 lb Crystal Grains (60L)
7 lbs Light LME
1 oz Nothern Brewers hops (60 min)
1 pkt Irish Moss (20 min)
1 oz Cascade hops (5 min)

Yeast: Wyeast #2112 California Lager yeast

Process: Steep grains at 148 for 30 mins. Increase temp to 178 and drain grain bag. Add LME and bring to a boil. Once rolling boil is established follow hopping schedule. After the 60 min chill rapidly to below 75 degrees and pitch yeast. Ferment at between 60 degrees and 65 degrees for 14 days, bottle with 4 oz. corn sugar, age another 2 weeks. Do Not Lager.

1 comment:

Chris said...

The California Common ale came from German immigrants who brought with them their brewing knowledge, but lacked the colder climate of Germany. They used their German lager yeast but where forced to ferment at a much warmer temp. The yeast evolved and is now able to ferment at up to 65 degrees without producing off flavors.

This recipe has only been brewed once by me and was fermented at 74 degrees, but in an ice bath to bring down the temp. While this was an ok beer I believe that the recipe needs a bit of tweaking. The beer was good, it just wasn't spectacular. I will brew this again and start adjusting and tweaking in the near future.