Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Townsin Vanilla Porter

Towns Inn Vanilla Porter - Batch 13
6.5 # Dark Malt Extract
1 # 120L Crystal Malt (120 lavi)
1/4 # Black Patent
1/4 # Chocolate Malt
1/4 # Wheat
2 oz Domestic Whole Willamette Hops (1oz Boiling)
1 SmackPak Irish Ale yeast
8 oz Lactose (Unfermentable Milk Sugar)
3 Whole Madagasgar/Mexican High Quality Whole Vanilla Beans
3/4 Cup Corn (Priming) Sugar
Steep grain bill of malts tied in a socky in 3 gallons of water
after bringing up to 155 degrees. Remove grains after 30 minutes and bring to a boil.
Add dark Malt Extract, and boiling hops and boil for 55 minutes.
Now add the lactose and boil for 5 more minutes. And add the last 1oz of hops (finishing).
Before racking to primary fermenter lengthwise slice and scrape out 1 Vanilla Bean
and add to a TableSpoon of Vodka in a shot glass, slice the remains into 1/2 inch
strips and add at the very end. Add 2 gallons of cold/previously boiled water Filter/Strain the cooled to 75 degree wort into fermenter and pitch the yeast and add the vanilla shot.
Primary Fermentation: 9 days O.G. 1.060
Secondary Fermentation: 14 days M.G. 1.014
Before racking to secondary fermenter lengthwise slice and scrape out 2 Vanilla Beans
and add to a TableSpoon of Vodka in a shot glass, slice the remains into 1/2 inch strips
Add 3/4 cup corn sugar to 1 cup of boiling water and cool to 75 degrees and add
to the beer bottling bucket at bottling. F.G. 1.016
Age: about 14 - 21 days 5.7% Alc Est


Brett Begani said...

Cry Havoc Yeast w/Wyeast Nutrient
5.5gal boil.
1.085 OG

Brett Begani said...

oxygen for 5 minutes using 2 micron stone and bottle from the home depot.
whoo. already foaming because I poured the wort directly on top of the yeast trub from the Irish Red I racked to secondary. hehe. I'm cheating!

Brett Begani said...

FG 1.014