Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Bitter Boy ESB

Bitter Boy ESB
.50lb Cara-pils/Dextrine
.50lb Crystal 20L
6lbs light dry extract
2 oz Target hops (60 min)
1 oz East Kent Golding hops (15 min)
1 tsp Irish moss (10min)
1 oz East Kent Golding hops (15 min aroma hop steep)
1 pkg Wyeast London ESB ale (use starter)

Steep Dextrine and Crystal at 150-170F for 30 min
Boil extract and Target hops for 60 min
When there are 15 min remaining in the boil, add 1 oz Kent Golding hops
When there are 10 min remaining in the boil, add 1tsp Irish Moss
After the Boil add 1oz Kent Goldings and let steep for 15 min
Cool Wort to fermentation Temperature
Pour into fermentor and pitch yeast

Ferment in primary for 5 days at 65F
Ferment in secondary for 7 days at 55F
Prime and Bottle


Chris said...

I haven't brewed this one yet but it was given to me by one of the main contributor on in a post about American pale ale, English pale ale, and Belgium pale ale. I am looking forward to getting this one brewed. My first attempt at a bitter was a little off target.

Chris said...

Brewed this one and it was in primary for 2 weeks. On Dec 30th kegged it. F.G. was 1.020. Sadly, it was sitting on the table out back and even though it was cloudly, the 10 minutes of sunshine skunked this brew. If you look past the skunky, its pretty darn good. Slightly malty, good strong bitterness. Sadly, the skunky detracts from this brew. Even though its mostly in the aroma, its enough to make me want to drink something else. I will be brewing this one again.

Brett Begani said...

OG. 1.056

Brett Begani said...

FG. 1.012 Kegged