Wednesday, November 28, 2007

FH Steinbart Pale Ale

7# Light Malt Extract
1/2# British Crystal Malt
1/4# Rolled Barley (Flaked Barley)
1 oz. Bullion OR Northern Brewer Hops (Boil)
1 oz Fuggles Hops (Aroma)
Wyeast 1098 (British) Ale Yeast

Place Rolled Barley in Cold water
Bring Temp to 165 Degrees
Add Remaining Grain, steep 30-45 minutes
Remove both Grain Bags
Add malt Syrup, Bring to boil
Add Boil Hops, boil for 90 minutes
Add Aroma hops
turn off heat, let rest 15 minutes
Remove Hops
Chill to 80 degrees (or pitching temp for your yeast)
pour to fermentor, use sterile water to bring to 5 gallons.
Aerate the Wort and pitch your Yeast.
5 Days primary
5 Days Secondary
Add priming sugar and bottle
10-14 Days Conditioning


Brett Begani said...

I have just done this as my first brewing attempt.
I put the aroma hops at the last 10 minutes of boil, then cooled to 80 degrees immediately.
20 hours later fermentation was strong at 68 degrees. Krausen subsided at 48 hours, with continued bubbling.

Brett Begani said...

Pitched the yeast before transferring to the carboy as I am using (2) 3 gallon glass carboys. both are acting identical in their reactions. if either responds differently I will post as such.

Brett Begani said...

also as fuggles were not available, I am using Willamette Hops instead.

Brett Begani said...

bottled 12/6/07
beer is flat and warm :)
taste is good, will let condition for two weeks at 68 degrees and give full description then.